Drive-thru Santa flips holiday tradition on its head bringing families to Santa

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - In most cases, Santa Claus comes to you by way of sleigh and chimney, but this weekend Colorado Springs families came to Santa Claus via car.
Santa was also getting ahead on his good list at the annual drive-thru Santa event. Families didn't even have to get out of the car.
Whether you were donating or receiving gifts it was a fun, festive time at the Resource Exchange where cars lined up.
This event wasn't always a drive-thru, but the pandemic showed organizers, and Santa, how many more families they could help by streamlining the process
"This year is our biggest attended year on record. It's about double what we had last year. We're expecting about 400 people to attend," Morgan Defalco, an event helper, told KRDO13.