Local student creates event to aid Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- For years, the Mt. Carmel Veterans Service Center has been aiding local military families in need of goods and services.
Now, they're on the receiving end of someone else's charitable work.
Janelle Hutchison is a senior at James Irwin Charter School. Her family has received help from Mt. Carmel in the past, os he organized an event aimed at returning Mt. Carme'sl generosity.
"So this event, we were wanting to give back to our veterans in need or active duty members who are transitioning. We're wanting to refill the Hope Closet, the food pantry, and we want people to give back," Hutchison said.
This Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Janelle and her fellow volunteers will be collecting donations at the Mt. Carmel Veteran's Center. They'll be taking everything from non-perishable foods to gently used clothing. Financial donations will also go a long way toward helping Mt. Carmel.
Anyone who donates during this event will receive a free barbecue lunch, courtesy of Jame Irwin's National Honor Society.