Karman Line annexation petition garners enough signatures; Issue heads back to city council

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Petitioners against the Karman Line annexation east of Colorado Springs have gathered enough signatures to send the topic back to the Colorado Springs City Council.
According to a city representative, if the council does not reconsider the annexation after this petition and decides to approve it again, the issue will head to voters in a special election this summer.
The Karman Line annexation will allow for the building of 6,500 new homes between the Banning Lewis Ranch Development and Schriever Space Force Base. On January 28, Colorado Springs City Council approved the measure.
Residents have expressed concern over the strain on public utilities and services, also citing worries about how losing water could be detrimental to local ranchers.
18,646 verified signatures were needed on the petition to send the issue back to city council.
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