Jury finds prominent southern Colorado attorney guilty of seven charges including sexual assault

DOUGLAS COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -- The former attorney for two southern Colorado towns is now a convicted felon. Friday, a Douglas County jury found Matthew Krob guilty of seven charges in relation to a sexual assault at a resort in Larkspur in 2022.
The Douglas County Sheriff's Office says that a sexual assault happened at the "Jellystone Park Resort" in Larkspur on November 20, 2022. Krob was charged with four felonies and five misdemeanor charges. Those charges include sexual assault and contact without consent, various degrees of assault, and child abuse.
After a five-day jury trial, a verdict of guilty on charges of felony sexual contact - no consent, third-degree assault, obstructing telephone service, and felony second-degree assault was returned by a jury. Krob was acquitted on two counts of misdemeanor child abuse.
Krob is the former town attorney in Florence and Palmer Lake. He was fired in Florence in March 2022 after a city hall sexual harassment scandal was uncovered by KRDO13 Investigates.
Three days after KRDO13 Investigates reported on Krob's felony charges last December, he agreed to step down from his role as the Palmer Lake town attorney. He provided the town Trustees with the following letter:
"I have sincerely enjoyed serving as town attorney over the course of the last four years. In that time, the town has faced many challenges and has preserved and progressed with collaboration, determination and hard work. However, in light of the media and social media coverage relating to a personal matter that I am vehemently defending, I have decided to take a step back from representing the town until my personal case is resolved. In the meantime, our firm will assign another attorney to serve as the town attorney with significant experience representing municipalities. My primary concern has always been what is in the best interest of my client, the town of Palmer Lake. Although this personal matter has no relation to Palmer Lake and has no way affected the legal advice I've provided to the town, the recent attention it has received from the media and the public would be a distraction to what is in the best interest of the town if I were to continue to serve as the town's attorney. I have enjoyed working with the town staff, with elected officials and citizens, and wish the town nothing but the best in what I know will be a bright future."
-- Attorney Matt Krob in letter to Palmer Lake Town Board
Krob awaits sentencing in Douglas County on August 20, 2024.
Editor's Note: A previous version of this article said Matthew Krob was convicted of all charges, including child abuse based on information provided by the 18th Judicial District Attorney's Office. The Douglas County jury acquitted Krob of the two counts of child abuse.