On the Lookout: felony assault suspects sought; female bank robber

SOUTHERN COLORADO (KRDO) -- Colorado Springs Police are seeking the public's help to find two felony assault suspects.
The crime took place last summer, July 12th, 2021. Police say the suspects left a man battered behind the 7-11 store at 1801 East Platte Avenue. CSPD says the assault happened at 3:15 a.m., the victim was found two hours later.

The first suspect appears to have a tattoo on his left forearm; the second suspect also appears to have a tattoo on his forearm.

If you recognize either suspect, call the Colorado Springs Police at 719-444-7000.

In Pueblo, police are trying to identify a female suspect who robbed the US Bank at 2220 North Elizabeth Street, on March 14th, at noon.

Detectives with the Pueblo Police Department said during the investigation, they discovered a male -- later identified as Joseph Martinez -- driving the suspect vehicle, a blue Nissan Versa. Police believe Martinez was an accomplice in the robbery. Martinez was arrested, at the time of publishing this article, remained in the Pueblo County Jail.

If you recognize the female suspect, you're asked to call Sergeant Flores at 719-553-2936. If you would like to remain anonymous, contact Pueblo Crime Stoppers at 719-542-STOP.