Colorado Springs thai restaurant crashed into, driver cited

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Colorado Springs has seen over 30 cars crashing into stores to steal things this year, but this one is new, a car crashed into the front of a Thai restaurant.
Thankfully no one was hurt at Chaang Thai but store owners say it's going to cost at least thirty thousand dollars to repair the damages.
The whole front of the restaurant is boarded up and the door was broken off its hinges by the car driving through the front of the restaurant
Colorado Springs police say they issued a citation for reckless driving to the driver who was responsible.

The owner, Suwana Meyers, says they're lucky that no one was hurt and that the servers were on the patio putting down the umbrellas when this happened.
They're closed as they clean up the damage.
They want everyone to come to support Chaang Thai and say they still need support from every customer to survive in this kind of situation.
Insurance will cover the costs of the repairs but, estimate it will be a few days before they're able to re-open.
Suwana also owns and runs Elephant Thai so if you want to help them out grab some food from them.