Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity hosted home dedication celebration for family of three

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO)-- On Saturday, Pikes Peak Habitat for Humanity hosted a home dedication celebration in The Ridge at Sand Creek neighborhood for new homeowner and her family.
Volunteers who worked on the home, and the Colorado Springs community were invited to celebrate this milestone in a family’s journey to strength and stability.
The new homeowner was born in Mexico and came to the United States with a green card when she was 18 years old. Perla and her husband had two children, but she left him because it was a toxic and abusive relationship. Since then, she has rented homes.
"It feels great I'm really happy for my mom especially cause this is her home permanently and she can grow old here," said Tiffany De Santiago, the homeowners daughter.

The homeowner previously lived in a mobile home and which had serious issues.
“When it rains the house suffers from leaks, and in places like the living room and kitchen we don’t have heating, the floor has holes where you can easily see out of the trailer, and that allows the entry of mice and other rodents," said the new homeowner.
The family is excited to finally build roots in their new home.
The new homeowner earned the home by volunteering at the construction site, where she worked on both her home and her neighbors. In addition, she will pay an affordable mortgage that’s capped at 30% of her income.
The Pikes Peak Habit for Humanity homeownership program offers “a hand up, not a handout” to workforce families who might not otherwise be able to purchase a home.
To learn more about the program, click here.