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Affidavit reveals police timeline of Gannon Stauch’s murder

Letecia Stauch in El Paso County court

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- The tragic case of Gannon Stauch's disappearance evolved into an alleged murder, and new details in a leaked arrest affidavit reveal that police believe Stauch's stepmother lied to investigators and undertook numerous steps to conceal the crime.

Letecia Stauch was arrested in early March, more than a month after she reported Gannon's disappearance from their Lorson Ranch home on Jan. 27. After weeks of searching, police obtained enough evidence to charge Letecia with first-degree murder, tampering with evidence, and a slew of other charges.

KRDO obtained a copy of the arrest affidavit Thursday night through social media groups connected with Gannon's disappearance. We chose not to publish any details until we got word from the 4th Judicial District Attorney's Office since the affidavit was originally sealed to the public. The Colorado Courts then unsealed the affidavit late Friday morning.

The affidavit reveals the work being done by investigators behind the scenes and shows that Letecia tried to deceive them multiple times, including concocting a fictional story about an alleged rape inside her home, resulting in the rapist abducting Gannon.

Eventually, investigators found blood inside Gannon's bedroom and GPS location information that followed Letecia's return to the scene near Hwy 105 and Perry Park Road where police believe she originally disposed of Gannon's remains.

The document also reveals a possible motive for the brutal killing: Letecia was unhappy at home and looking for an escape.

These are the details as alleged by police investigators in El Paso County:

January 25th- January 29, 2020

Letecia viewed websites associated with jobs and apartments in Los Angeles, California, and Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Pensacola, Florida. She visited a cost-calculating moving website.

She also had the following Google searches:

Sunday, January 26th

Letecia says she met alleged rapist, Eguardo, near a construction site. (Police believe this story was fictional.)

She claims Gannon knocked over a candle, burned carpet, she called Eguardo to fix it, gave him garage code and he would fix it the next day

Letecia claims Gannon is up most of Sunday night into Monday morning with stomach problems

Monday, January 27th

4:37 a.m.
Letecia tells employer her stepdad was killed after being hit by a car, she won’t be in to work

Unknown time 
Gannon stayed home from school, Gannon likely alive morning of 27th

8:13 to 8:17 a.m.
Letecia takes pictures on her cellphone of Gannon sleeping in bed

10:16 a.m.
Neighbor surveillance video shows Nissan Frontier with Letecia and presumably Gannon leave the residence, Letecia leaves cellphone at home (locked between 9: 56 a.m. and 2:45 p.m.)

10:37 a.m.
Text sent from Gannon’s phone to Harley 
“Tecia left phone at home if you need her txt me”

12:06 p.m.
Al Stauch sends text to Gannon, “Hey buddy”

-During this time, Letecia travels to PetCo on N Nevada Ave. 

11:22 a.m.
Letecia completes her purchase, Gannon is not seen on surveillance video from store.

-whereabouts unknown between 11:22 a.m. and 1: 22 p.m.

1: 21 p.m.
Gannon’s phone responds to text from Al, “Can I play Zelda at least”

Al replies, “Not today”

1:22 p.m. 
Letecia makes another purchase at PetCo on N. Nevada Ave

1:43 p.m.
Gannon’s phone searches “can my parent find my cell phone if its off”
-detectives believe Letecia wrote this

2:14 p.m.
Investigators believe Gannon was murdered by Letecia after this timestamp, at his residence, more specifically in his bedroom

2:19 p.m.
Vehicle returns, what appears to be Letecia gets out, and presumably Gannon, hard to tell by video

(ADT motion detectors show no movement between 10:16 and 2:19 p.m. in house)

2:22 p.m.
Gannon and Letecia enter house (Laina at school, Harley at work)

In an interview with detectives, in Februrary Letecia tells detectives she’s being raped by Eguardo during this time

During this time, ADT motion sensors show movement between upstairs and downstairs

2:45 p.m.
Letecia unlocks her phone

3:15 p.m.
Letecia claims this is the last time  she saw Gannon leaving residence to go play with friend

Laina returns home from school, Letecia tells her Gannon is asleep in her bed, and instructs Laina to go outside and play

-- Detectives believe Letecia was cleaning up blood during this time

3:30 to 3:42
Surveillance video shows Laina outside riding her bike

3:41- 4:20 p.m.
Several texts message between Letecia and Harley and Al

3:55 p.m.
Al Stauch sends message to Gannon’s phone, “Hey buddy”

The message wasn't read until 7: 40 p.m., detectives believe Gannon was already deceased.

4: 42 p.m.
Harley, Letecia’s daughter arrives at home from work in White Jetta, picks up Laina and leaves residence

4: 52 p.m.
Letecia sends text to Harley asking her to pick up items from the store

The text reads, “Carpet powder 2 things, baking soda, trash bags”

5:14 p.m.
A receipt shows the purchase of trash bags, baking soda, vinegar happened at 5:14 p.m.

It was later found in Tiguan, Letecia’s car

It is during this time, detectives believe Letecia cleaned up the mess left behind by killing Gannon. (On February 1st, Detectives found blood presence in Gannon’s bedroom, the hallway leading to utility room from bedroom, utility room itself,  the staircase leading upstairs, pathway to garage, garage area itself.)

6:55 p.m. 
Letecia calls 9-1-1 to report Gannon missing

10:09 p.m.
Deputies respond and are unable to locate Gannon

Deputies observed Volkswagen Tiguan was backed into garage

Deputies go into Gannon’s room.

-- Detectives later compare body camera footage of room, compared to photos taken earlier in the day, and show Gannon’s bed with different bedding/sheets, moved against the wall 

Tuesday, January 28th

5:14 a.m.
Letecia texts a babysitter. 
LS: “This happened after 3:30”

LS: “We talked to him then and told be home by 6”

Sitter: “someone posted he wasn’t at school either”

LS: “He had to go to doctor for his stomach”

LS: “But he was here in the afternoon”

Sitter: “where did he say he was at”

LS: “Honestly, I don’t keep up with friends”

8:30 A.M.
A receipt shows Letecia rents a 2019 Kia Rio from Avis Rent a Car in Colorado Springs

8:48 a.m.
Letecia texts Harley to pull her car (White VW Jetta) into garage

8:50 a.m.
Letecia picks up Al from the COS airport, stops at King Sooper’s, Wendy’s and then heads back to home in Lorson Ranch

12:57 p.m.
Search on Letecia’s phone, “can nintendo find my switch”

4:04 p.m. to 4:17: p.m.
Investigators asked Letecia for Gannon’s toothbrush for DNA

4:19 p.m.
Letecia texts Al, “They are asking for our sons tooth brush but said nothing is wrong”

LS: “Something isn’t right I think they’re hiding something

Al: "Who, the police?"

LS: “Yes they asked for toothbrushes”

Al: “Hmm, what do u think they’re hiding?”

7:00 p.m.
Letecia picks up VW Tiguan she left earlier that morning at COS airport short term parking lot 

7:02 p.m.
Receipt shows Letecia leaving COS airport with Tiguan

Between 7:02 to 12:00 a.m. (29th)
Detectives believe Letecia used the Tiguan to dump Gannon’s remains

Between 8:30 p.m. to 10:20 p.m.
Location data from Tiguan shows vehicle was in the area of Hwy 105/Perry Park Road in Douglas County, Colorado.

Phone data from Tiguan shows vehicle N or USAFA and S. of Douglas County.

9:16 p.m. to 9:28 p.m.
Data from Tiguan shows car driving into rural area near Highway 105 and Perry Park Road and then driving out.

-Of note, Harley’s phone shows near Stauch residence. Detectives don’t believe Harley was with Letecia during this time

10:26 p.m.
Harley leaves Stauch residence and detectives believe she picked up Letecia near Powers and Carefree

10:45 p.m.
Letecia makes statement to investigators via text message:

“What do you want from me? Because I have nothing. One of your very own leaked to me what you guys were doing. I did nothing/ or am being set up. I’m not really even sure other that being told that by another blue with El Paso. I was told I couldn’t go home to sleep and on top of that men were sent to a home with a minor female and she was forced to stay there not to even have good. Every conversation that said even at this moment, I can hear inside. What do you want from me?

Detective Bethel: “Come into talk to me. I would just like information to find Gannon.”

Wednesday January 29th, 2020

9:00 A.M.
Rental Kia Rio returned morning of January 29th 2020

Letecia was picked up by someone driving the White Jetta (presumably Harley)

11:30 a.m.
Surveillance video catches Tiguan at the Car Wash with potential blood on black bumper

12:00 p.m.
Letecia arrives at EPSO office for interview with detectives, two hours late

Letecia brings several pieces of paper with her, with notes for interview with detectives

The Tiguan, Letecia’s vehicle, was wet

During interview:

  • Letecia claims she was held at gunpoint, raped by hispanic male named Eguardo and Gannon was abducted by male after he finished raping her
  • Claims man was in the basement when she came home 01/27, allowed her to greet Laina
  • Claims man raped Letecia between 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.
  • Claims she may have hit her head and she blacked out
  • Claims Gannon jumped on rapist’s back
  • Claims rapist threw Gannon across room, held him at gunpoint and demanded suitcase and cardboard box
  • Claims she cleaned up the area
  • Detectives offer Letecia a rape exam, she denies it
  • Detectives seize Letecia’s phone
  • End of interview, Letecia sticks tissues down her pants, claiming chest pain and shortness of breath
  • Letecia transported to hospital
  • VW Tiguan seized from Letecia
  • Letecia leaves hospital without telling investigators
  • Picked up by an unknown person and seen reunited with her daughter Harley several miles away

Unknown time

Investigators find multiple carpet brushes with suspected carpet fibers on them in the dishwasher at the Stauch residence.

Investigators locate an empty gallon of vinegar.

Letecia rents a 2020 Nissan Altima, investigators put a GPS tracking device on it. 

2:14 p.m.

Letecia texts Nicole (homeowner?)

LS: “When we came back inside from the smoke there was blood on both of us. I didn’t know what to do. I was scared I would get (unknown word) out about it and I don’t know if he should go to the doctor. I kept trying to add the candle thing but Albert kept saying it was small and minor. I was scared the basement was smoky and when I threw the cover everything we both had blood.”

LS: “You don’t understand how it is to be a stepmom”

Friday, January 31st

4:16 p.m. to 5:13 p.m.
Letecia heads back to Douglas County (in Nissan Altima) near Highway 105/Perry Park Road in Douglas County

-- Detectives believe she went back to make sure Gannon’s remains were not seen near the road and evidence of his body was covered up

Saturday, February 1st

Detectives find possible traces of blood on the rear of the vehicle, a rear passenger seat, front passenger seat, area near glovebox

-Over the next few weeks:

Detectives conduct more thorough searches through the Stauch house.

Blue Star is used to find the presence of blood in Gannon’s bedroom the hallway leading to utility room from bedroom, utility room itself,  the staircase leading upstairs, pathway to garage, garage area itself.

In Gannon’s Room, suspected blood is found seeped through the carpet, through the pad, and stained the concrete.

Bloodstain and blood spatter were located on the wall in this area.

Fifty droplets of suspected blood were found on walls near Gannon’s bed.

Gannon’s mattress has a red stain on the carpet and blood cast on the wall.

Expert says blood stains on the walls were likely created by gunshot, blunt force or a stabbing.

Suspected blood is found behind/around the edges of an electrical socket, next to Gannon’s bed.

Wednesday, February 12th

Investigators start focusing their efforts in Douglas County

Thursday, February 13th

Investigators start monitoring phone calls between Letecia and Al Stauch (known to Al).

They claim her story continually changed.

Letecia states Gannon was burned with a candle to the point his skin bubbled, Gannon peeled the burns off and wiped blood on his bedroom wall.

Al did not ask about the blood on the wall before Letecia made that comment.

Friday, February 14th

Phone call between Letecia and Al shows four more stories

  1. When EPSO came to the house on 1/27 the abductor was still in the house and she tried to tell deputies that somebody was there. EPSO deputies checked the entirety of the house and no additional person was located
  2. She was raped by Quincy Brown at her home and Brown abducted Gannon. She knew Brown’s identity because she saw a paper with his ID car fall out of his pocket. Letecia sent a photo of Quincy Brown to Al via text
  3. Quincy followed her from Petco. At some point was laying the middle of the road in front of her. When she stopped not to run him over, he jumped in the car and made her take him home where he raped her
  4. Letecia and Gannon were near County Line Road and Highway 105 in N El Paso County on 1/27. Gannon was riding a bicycle in the area, fell, hit his head and was then abducted by Quincy Brown. Brown was driven by a man named Terence.

Letecia tells investigators searches in that area would be “futile”

Police believe that Stauch also fabricated this story after seeing Brown's picture in a lineup of Pikes Peak Most Wanted fugitives.

Saturday, February 15th

Investigators located a piece of particleboard during their search. It had a stain that appeared to be blood. Blood profile matched Gannon.

Gannon’s blood found near Highway 105/Perry Park Road.

Investigators think Letecia used the particleboard during the disposal of Gannon’s remains.

Letecia tells investigators she told Al, Gannon fell off his bike because she thought that’s what he wanted to hear.

Letecia told Al over the phone the blood in the corner of Gannon’s room was a combo of hers and Gannon. She said the abductor raped both her and Gannon and was present when EPSO came to house that night.

Sunday, February 16th

7:28 p.m.
Letecia told a female (Teela Cummings) that she has given Al false stories because she knows he won’t believe anything she says.

Monday, February 17th

1:53 p.m.
Letecia told female (Laura Abernathy) that she was thinking about flying out to Colorado to take a lie detector test to prove her innocence. She said, “they think I’m still in Colorado”

4:11 p.m.
Letecia told an unknown female that she is going to take a lie detector test, but the test wouldn’t be admissible in court and no law enforcement would be present.

Tuesday, February 18th

10:14 a.m.
Letecia called 321-247-6876, a number associated with “”

Letecia tells caller she never received confirmation for test she paid for, unknown male said he’d send her an email

11:16 a.m.
Letecia calls the phone number again and inquires about email. Male says her report was blocked by management because of the questions she wanted on the test. He said any test with illegal activities, the company has the right not to send it.

LS: “What do you do now, just delete it and go on about life and keep the money?”

Male: “Yes, we do indeed.”

LS: “Ok, I gotcha, thank you, goodbye.”

Detectives reach male with website and ask for questions she was trying to get answers for.

Friday, February 28th

Judge Rafolo signs a warrant for arrest.

Monday, March 2nd

Letecia Stauch is arrested in South Carolina

Friday, March 17th

Gannon Stauch remains found near Pace, Florida

Article Topic Follows: Colorado Springs

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Andrew McMillan


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