Sen. Cory Gardner holds off spending campaign contributions

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — Republican incumbent Sen. Cory Gardner has spent only about $6.5 million of the $17 million his campaign has raised while seeking re-election on Nov. 3, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
It’s considerably less than the $10 million spent of $14 million raised by his opponent John Hickenlooper, who’s a Democrat and former Colorado governor.
University of Colorado Political Science Professor Josh Dunn says Gardner’s lack of spending is interesting, but there are a few possible explanations.
“It could be that Gardner is holding his money in reserve and there’s going to be a big spending spree the last few weeks before the election, and that there are outside groups already doing a lot of attacking Hickenlooper,” Dunn said.
Gardner’s Senate seat is considered one of the most vulnerable in this election cycle.
“Colorado is a battleground state and this seat, both parties regard as essential to either keep control of the Senate or gain control of the Senate,” Dunn said.
The Colorado Senate race is reportedly the ninth most expensive in the U.S., with several weeks of potential spending left.
“I think it’d be very surprising if Gardner has any money left in the bank,” Dunn said.
Considerably less money has been spent on other congressional campaigns in Colorado, which Dunn says is typical.