Students place one flag for every life lost at Colorado Springs 9/11 tribute

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — Cheyenne Mountain High School students are placing 3,000 American flags at the Norris Penrose Event Center, to honor every victim in the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
The students hope the public will be able to admire the tribute. The Cheyenne Mountain Stampede Cross Country Event is hosted there this weekend.
Bryson Frazee, chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom chapter at Cheyenne Mountain High School, is showing his patriotism through every star and stripe.
“It’s all American made— all the materials," Frazee said. “So that was a big thing trying to find flags that were made in America.”
Though Frazee and his classmates weren't yet born at the time of the attacks, they're committed to honoring the history. Even though their generation doesn't have memories of 9/11, they have a reason to mourn lives lost that day.
“I have a really close friend whose father was lost in 9/11," Local high school student Whitney Richardi said.
Cross country runners will see the flags at the finish line.
“The victims — they can’t share their moments with us, so I think sharing moments like these is the best tribute," Frazee said.
Flags around Colorado will fly at half-staff on Friday, Sept. 11 as the state marks the 19th anniversary of the attacks.