The School Buzz: Colorado Springs middle school’s Dungeons & Dragons Club a monumental hit
North Middle School recently started a new club that's atypical of what you might find at most schools. It doesn't involve music, athletics, or career readiness, but monsters, magic and spells. And it's bringing students together in ways sponsors didn't see coming.
The Colorado Springs middle school's Dungeons and Dragons club has been bursting with not only adventure but camaraderie, teamwork, and friendship. It meets every Friday and teachers are blown away by the popularity.
Initially, the club started last year with 14 students. There are now 40, forcing the club to break into two locations, the newest meeting in the school's library.
Christal Brickers sponsors the club. She says it's given kids opportunities to make connections they otherwise wouldn't have, saying she's seen shy students really break out of their shells.
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