Free daycare available for essential workers in Colorado Springs
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - The YMCA in Colorado Springs announced Thursday it's offering daycare for the children of workers considered essential under Governor Jared Polis’ stay-at-home order.
Medical, emergency and essential personnel qualify for free tuition, the YMCA said to KRDO on Friday. The offer runs 6:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday for children ages 5-12 at the Garden Ranch YMCA on Montebello Drive.
Parents tell us, in order to qualify, you have to send in proof of employment in essential industries, and sign up for the government program online.
The Colorado Emergency Childcare Collaborative's website says essential workers are eligible for 100% tuition reimbursement from March 30 until May 17.
"They are paying us directly so that parents don't have to worry about that cost right now," Melanie Zuniga with the YMCA explained the state assistance.
Zuniga told us they YMCA is using its summer camp license to open the day camp, to ensure all state guidelines are still followed.
"We're just hoping to provide a safe, fun place for them to be, while also getting some of their schoolwork done," she said.
Workers at the day camp are, of course, taking precautions to try and keep COVID-19 from entering their doors. They're washing kids' hands at the doors, taking temperatures, keeping groups small, and telling parents to wait in the car.
Check out our previous article to see if you qualify for assistance from the statewide program.