7th annual Holiday with Heroes strengthens connection between first responders & Puebloans

PUEBLO, Colo. (KRDO) - The Home of Heroes is living up to its name today. The Junior League of Pueblo hosted the 7th annual Holiday with Heroes event intending to foster positive relationships between local first responders, like police officers, firefighters, and EMTs, with Pueblo’s youth.
This weekend's event had craft cookie decorating, photos with Santa, letters to Santa, and more. The event was open to the public and free for all members of the Pueblo community.
Vistors could make donations during the event which the Junior Leauge will use to support their cause and will go towards purchase of “Sweet Cases” for local foster agencies.
"It's a chance for our community to come and bond and do crafts with the local heroes in our community. We have lots of crafts, we have cookies, we have pictures with Santa, hair tinsel, face-painting, and it's all free," Khannah Ditkof, community impact chair of the Junior Leauge, told KRDO13.