Multiple people sent to the hospital after traffic accident in Colorado Springs

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Colorado Springs Fire Department (CSFD) is on the scene of traffic accident where involving multiple cars.
CSFD was dispatched to a two-car crash at the 200 Bl of Circle Dr. just before 5 P.M. Sunday evening. Our KRDO13 crew on scene is told the accident is a result of a head-on collision between a large SUV traveling north bound on Circle Dr. and a smaller SUV traveling south bound.
According to Colorado Springs Police, on scene investigators determined the south bound car crossed over the center intersection and struck the north bound car. They believe alcohol is a factor in this crash.
People from both cars have been taken to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. CSFD worked to extricate at least one person from a car on scene.
CSFD asks people who may be traveling in the area to avoid it while they continue to work.