Alessandra Navetta

In answering your questions I will respond in general terms since it is impossible to address
complex issues in this format. All complex issues require consultation with experts in various
fields, as well as discussion and debate with other legislative members. Doing so is the best
way to achieve a compromise that is satisfactory to all.
Qualifications to serve as House District 56 Representative
I believe I am qualified for the position of Colorado State Legislator House District 56. I am
currently retired and have the time and ability to serve the citizens of this district. My
professional background includes over fifteen years as a registered nurse in various positions,
and so I am well familiar with the health issues that impact our citizens, especially those that
reside In the rural eastern plains that make up a large portion of HD56. I have also spent over
twenty years as an attorney, so I am well aware of the legal implications of the proposed legislation.
I believe in the rule of law.
As a mother and grandmother, I know what my fellow citizens experience on a daily basis.
I have lived in a rural environment for many years and understand and appreciate the rural
lifestyle. As Vice-Chair of the Elbert County Democratic Party and as Trustee of the Pines
and Plains Libraries, I am involved in community affairs.
While some problems cannot easily be solved there are issues that government can
address and improve the quality of our lives. If elected I intend to work towards doing so.
Top Priorities
The areas that need to be addressed In HD56 are:
1) Access to affordable, quality healthcare
The few rural hospitals that exist are barely surviving. We need to find solutions to funding
and staffing these facilities so that the residents of these communities do not have to travel
for hours for medical care.
2) Access to reliable, affordable internet connectivity.
Much of business is conducted on the Internet. Education and healthcare can be conducted
on the Internet. There are federal funds are available to address connectivity issues in
underserved areas. Communities must apply for these funds. Obtaining these funds
and improving internet access will result in an improvement in many aspects of the lives of
the citizens of HD56.
3) Access to affordable post-secondary education education
While a Junior College education has become affordable and even free, students in rural
communities do not have easy access to college-level classes. Holding classes, taught
by qualified teachers, in available facilities, such as high schools in local rural
neighborhoods would enable students to continue their studies at a low cost and give them
time to decide their lifetime course of study.
There are other issues/problems that need to be addressed and I intend to meet with as many
citizens in HD56 as possible to learn their concerns.
I believe in legal immigration. We need workers. I do not believe in allowing entry into the
USA pending processing of entry applications. There is a difference between an asylum
seeker and an economic immigrant. The application process must distinguish between the
two. Asylum seekers need immediate attention since their lives may be in peril. Those
seeking entry for economic reasons should be processed in their country of origin. Of
course, this implies a well-staffed, well-organized, well-funded system. Businesses
seeking workers should be engaged in the process and bear some of the cost of the
program and the well-being of the workers admitted. All persons seeking entry into the USA
must be treated humanely.
Cost of Living/Inflation
Inflation is a complex issue that needs to be addressed by experts in the fields of finance
and economics. As a capitalist nation, our government has limited control over private
enterprise. The goal of corporations is to make a profit, so they can remain in business.
Corporations provide jobs for millions of Americans. Unfortunately, when making a profit
turns into corporate greed, all Americans suffer. What government can do, is convince
corporate leaders that they must balance their need for profit with the needs of their workers
and the consumers of their goods. The government does have control of the tax code and to
some extent financial markets. Establishing a mutually beneficial relationship between
government and business is desirable and necessary. Just as government was able to
reduce the price of insulin, there are other ways of addressing the cost of living to the benefit
of corporations and citizens. Government must diligently enforce anti-trust laws, check
spending to avoid inflationary spirals, and the Federal Reserve must act responsibly.
Gun Violence
Gun violence is an American issue that needs to be addressed. The courts have ruled that
the Second Amendment protects individual gun ownership. That, however, does not preclude
the government from enacting gun safety laws. Just as gun owners may legally possess a
weapon, private citizens should be protected from the harm that can occur from
irresponsible gun ownership. The right to possess a gun is not without limits. Our
government has the right and ability to determine those limits to protect all citizens.
Affordable Housing
The state of Colorado is a desirable place to live. As a result, the cost of living is much
higher than in many other states. Housing costs are especially high. Not
everyone can afford to live in certain Colorado neighborhoods. This is also true in many
other states. This is especially true for workers with low-paying jobs. Even workers with
good-paying jobs cannot afford to live in the most desirable neighborhoods.
Low-interest, low or no down payment mortgages ( such as VA or FHA loans) may be a
partial solution. Government-supplemented housing may be an option for certain in-need
professions, such as teachers, nurses, or public employees. The type of public housing must
be carefully designed and implemented to avoid problems that then cannot easily be
The issue of homelessness is especially challenging since the causes of homelessness
are diverse and require different solutions. The homeless who are mentally ill require
supervised housing. The drug addicted requires treatment. The temporarily unhoused need
temporary support. The unemployed need job training and a job. Addressing housing issues
will require a great deal of work and cooperation among our elected officials and community