Colorado Springs officials update plan to replace two Fillmore Street bridges
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) — Officials said that while they work on a plan to replace the Fillmore Street bridge over Monument Creek, it remains safe to drive on.

Gayle Sturdivant, deputy public works director, said that the city engineers have constantly monitored the bridge for years, even before after a company hired in 2022 when the city detected some shifting, went out of business.
"We still want to make sure there isn't any unexpected movement," she explained. "The other thing we know from investigations we've done, is that the bridge is pushed into the abutment area and is staying in a steady state. That has been confirmed our independent consultant and by the Colorado Department of Transportation."

The bridge, as well as the adjacent bridge over railroad tracks, are rated in fair condition; the city recently repaired the decks of both bridges to extend its use for up to ten years until a replacement plan is finalized.
Cost estimates to replace the bridges are between $40 million and $60 million," Sturdivant said. "We're looking at what we think are three primary options for replacement. We don't know yet whether it will be one or two structures, structures, or if they'll tie into and the existing roads east and west of the creek."

Despite the city's explanation, a viewer recently contacted KRDO 13's "The Road Warrior" expressing concern about the creek bridge's condition.
Tim Woodruff owns a consulting company that uses 3D laser scanning to inspect a variety of surfaces, and said that he scanned the bridge in December.

"I'm not an engineer or an expert," he admitted. "I'm just offering my opinion that I don't think the bridge is safe. I think that some of the rockers (bearings) are tilted too much."
City officials said that they recently met with Woodruff, and that he's also trying to sell his services to the city.