Expect snow-packed, icy pavement Wednesday on Interstate 25 north of Colorado Springs
EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -- Drivers are finding rougher driving on I-25 Wednesday morning in the latest round of a week of snowy weather across Colorado.

Traffic moved slowly and steadily on the interstate between North Academy Boulevard and Monument Hill where the pavement was snow-packed and icy.

With the chain law in effect, semi-trucks lined up at the chain station just south of Monument and at the weight station just south of Monument Hill; at least two trucks appeared to be stuck on the hill's northbound side, with one requiring help from a tow truck.

A car slid into the center median near the North Gate Boulevard interchange, and several vehicles were left abandoned on the freeway shoulders.

One resident near the intersection of Highways 83 and 105 reported seeing deep snowdrifts that snowplows were trying to clear.
KRDO 13 will continue to follow travel conditions in this latest winter storm.