CDOT begins repaving project Monday on I-25 near Colorado Springs to fill potholes, cracks
EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Colorado Department of Transportation is taking advantage of unseasonably warm weather to conduct emergency repairs on an eight-mile stretch of Interstate 25 between south Colorado Springs and south Fountain.

The project starts Monday and is expected to be finished by Nov. 20. The work will be done Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m until 2 p.m. to avoid rush hour traffic. There will be single lane closures during paving, and a reduced speed limit of 55 mph.

Workers will fill numerous potholes and cracks by applying new asphalt in both lanes and both directions between the South Academy Boulevard and Highway 85 (Santa Fe Avenue) exits.

CDOT officials said the busy stretch of freeway hasn't had major improvements for some time, and the damage is accelerated by freeze-thaw cycles.

The repairs are only temporary, as CDOT will begin replacing the asphalt with concrete next year. The change is part of a project to improve transportation infrastructure around Fort Carson and other local military installations.
In the upcoming project, asphalt will be applied directly to the existing surface and the old asphalt will not be removed until concrete work begins in 2021.