Colorado Supreme Court upholds ban on large-capacity magazines

DENVER (KRDO) -- The Colorado Supreme Court ruled on Monday that the state's ban on firearms magazines holding more than 15 rounds doesn't violate the state's Constitutional right to bear arms.
The Supreme Court said in its decision that the Rocky Mountain Gun Owners group didn't prove that HB13-1224 -- the law that prohibits the sale, transfer, or possession of any "large-capacity magazine" capable of accepting, or that is designed to be readily converted to accept, more than 15 rounds of ammunition -- violates the state's right to bear arms.
"We emphasize that the Second Amendment applies with full force in
Colorado and our legislature may not enact any law in contravention of it. But Plaintiffs have challenged HB 1224 only under the Colorado Constitution. Reviewing that claim, we conclude today that the legislation passes state constitutional muster," the Supreme Court said in its decision.
The Supreme Court's ruling referenced that the law was passed in response to multiple deadly shooting sprees in the state, including the Aurora theater shooting, which killed 12 people and injured many others.
This is a developing story.