City of Colorado Springs provides update on road construction near Garden of the Gods

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- The City of Colorado Springs provided an update Monday on the 30th Street construction project.
RELATED: Garden of the Gods roundabout project begins in earnest on 30th Street corridor Monday
This is the road project that is changing the look of the main entrance to Garden of the Gods Park. Part of the project is a roundabout that is being built at the intersection of the park entrance and 30th Street.
According to the city, construction crews are preparing for final paving this spring. They will continue to treat and grade the roadbed for several more weeks before paving begins.
The city said in mid-April, a concrete curb and gutter will be placed on 30th Street between Gateway Road and Fontanero Street. After that, crews will do additional concrete work for driveways and corner curb ramps.
Asphalt paving is anticipated in May along with the final placement of signs and lane striping.
The city said the project is on schedule for completion this summer.