Chapel Hills Mall sees some of their biggest numbers ever ahead of Christmas

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -- We are just two days away from Christmas and last-minute shoppers continue to pack into stores around Colorado Springs. But, how is business this year compared to last year?
In his 14 years with the Chapel Hills Mall, General Manager Ed Beane said they're seeing more customers than ever.
“Our numbers are way up from last year," said Beane. "Compared to Black Friday last year, 7,000 more people shopped. This Saturday, compared to the Saturday before Christmas last year, 5,500 more people were shopping. So I expect today and tomorrow to be busy.”
Beane says there are a number of reasons why their numbers are up this year, but one big reason could be that their storefronts are the fullest they've ever been, and they strive to keep the storefronts as local as possible.
“We want to keep this mall thriving and that’s what we are doing. With the locals in here, it helps the local economy and it helps the shopping center," he said.
Tom Cole, a local shop owner who moved his business into the mall back in October, has seen great success since the move. He's thankful for the opportunity.
“We are building a whole new clientele here then going to our original store so it’s been fantastic, the exposure has been amazing,” said Cole, owner of “Cole's Gourmet Popcorn and Treats."
The mall will be open until 9 p.m. Monday and 6 p.m. Tuesday on Christmas Eve.
Beane expects it to be extremely busy, so his advice is to shop early.