Bear-proof trash cans required west of I-25 starting Sunday

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - A new ordinance goes into effect this Sunday requiring residents west of Interstate 25 to keep their trash in bear-proof trash cans or in the garage.
The ordinance offers residents two options to manage their trash to help control bear activity.
If residents are able to store their trash receptacle securely — like in a garage — they will have to put out their trash can no earlier than 5 a.m. on collection day and return it to its secure location no later than 7 p.m.
The second option is to invest in a bear-resistant trash can. Residences without a garage or similarly secure facility to store their trash will be required to buy a bear-resistant receptacle, according to the City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Parks & Wildlife.
KRDO crews talked to the Neighborhood Services Manager for the city, Mitch Hammes, Monday. He told us this won't be a big change for most people.
"When we did our public outreach, we found out that about 80 percent of the people we contacted already comply with the ordinance," Hammes said.
Hammes explained that if you're part of the other 20 percent and you don't comply, officials have to be able to prove you violated the ordinance time and time again before imposing the fine.
"Just because a neighbor calls and says [you] put [your] trash can out before 5 a.m. doesn’t mean we’re coming out that morning with a ticket book and a fine for you," he said.
Hammes told us they'll go easy on residents at first, considering this is all new to them. He emphasized that deterring bears is the primary goal of the ordinance, and they hope to avoid fining anyone.
"The fee provisions were put into the ordinance for situations where people just will not comply," Hammes said. "We have found over time that, when you hit somebody in the pocketbook, that usually helps convince them they need to start complying."
The City encourages anyone with questions or concerns about the ordinance to contact Neighborhood Services at (719) 444-7891, or visit the department's website at
In addition, city officials encourage residents who plan to use bear-resistant cans to contact their collection service and verify that their can is compatible with that particular company's trucks.