8 arrested in protests outside Trump rally in Colorado Springs

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) —Colorado Springs police arrested eight people Thursday afternoon for "failure to desist and disperse" outside the Broadmoor World Arena where President Donald Trump was holding a campaign rally.
Protests started peacefully at the intersection Cheyenne Meadows and Venetucci.
Several hundred held signs and chanted their distaste for the President's arrival.
By 4:30, the protestors had started to migrate into Cheyenne Meadows Road blocking traffic heading South.
After a certain amount of time, Colorado Springs police started to warn the protestors they needed to get back on the sidewalk.
Colorado Springs Police Community Relations Sergeant Jason Newton said, "We made the decision. We had to act quickly to get the situation under control and made the arrests quickly and the event going back and people continuing to protest."
Over a megaphone, an officer can be heard saying, "if you do not move immediately, you will be arrested for obstructing an intersection."
Dozens of officers from several law enforcement agencies dispersed into the intersection, with riot gear, including shield, masks, and helmets.
"An intersection blocking traffic, putting yourself in danger, putting others in danger that is not a place to exercise your first amendment rights," explained Newton.
They used their gear to try and move the crowds back onto the sidewalk.
When some resisted, they were arrested.
Newton said, "several people chose instead to take over the roadway and obstruct traffic at the entrance and exit to the area."
Those arrested will be charged with a violation of Colorado Springs municipal code 9.2.103, failure to desist and disperse, a citation that will require those arrested to appear in court.