High schooler’s cookie business turns profit in trying economic times
By Bobby Poitevint
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WACO, Texas (KXXV) — As grocery store costs rise, a 15-year-old Waco girl isn’t letting any of that ruin her dreams.
Zarin Fields told 25News Bobby Poitevint that her mother instilled in her and her siblings a strong work ethic at a young age—something Zarin’s school, Rapoport Academy, is helping her continue to build on.
Thanks to the high school’s business pathway program, she made her pitch for ZZ’s Cookiez in a similar fashion to that seen on the ABC TV show Shark Tank, but instead of doing it on a stage in front of billionaire sharks, she did it in front of her high school peers and school staff.
That was this week, but ZZ’s Cookiez officially started almost a year ago, and so far, Zarin said she’s sold more than 300 cookies through locations like the teacher’s lounge at school, her mom’s friends, and a site off campus.
Right now, she said she tries to make four dozen cookies a week and while sales can fluctuate week to week — “usually I sell out and I’m happy with that” said the high school sophomore who’s turning a profit of two dollars from each cookie she sales.
A grant through the school’s program helps her buy ingredients for the cookies, but in the current economy, she said she is paying closer attention to grocery store prices.
“I now look to see if prices go up on things. Before, I never did that, but just to make sure that I’m still able to make a profit,” she said. She added, “however, I do not purchase eggs because that’s a family thing that we use, so I don’t have to pay for eggs, thankfully.”
All baking is done at the family’s home and her mother Jennifer said Zarin is responsible for the cleanup and she is proud of her daughter and what all she’s accomplished.
Jennifer said, “I’m excited that she’s taking the initiative to work and to make something that’s her own.”
Zarin has the licenses to make and sell cookies, and she’s working towards a career in business.
In the meantime she’s doing what she loves.
Zarin added, “I am having fun. It’s really cool just to be able to kinda do what I want with it” — “I just love baking cookies and they’ve just been part of my life.”
The Rapoport Academy sophomore still has big plans for ZZ’s Cookiez. She is working with Triple Win Waco—a work based program—to hopefully sell cookies out of a food truck at Lowe’s, and she’s also looking to expand into farmers markets.
ZZ’s Cookiez are sold at Triple Win’s Maker’s Edge, 1211 Webster Avenue in Waco, which was actually started in partnership with Rapoport Academy.
The program’s director, Cory Dickman, said they’ve had other schools involved including a clothing and appeal business that was part of their summer program along with Zarin’s ZZ’s Cookiez.
He said those businesses have had differing degrees of success since the program started a few years ago. Dickman added the program is teaching students all about being an entrepreneur and what it takes to have a successful company.
Something Zarin seems to know all about.
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