COS Parks and Rec to hold open house on master plan for Fishers Canyon Open Space

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services (PRCS) is inviting the public to an open house to discuss the master and management plan for Fishers Canyon Open Space.
The open house will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 22 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. at Cheyenne Mountain Junior High School.
The department said the meeting will include a brief presentation and the introduction of the draft master and management plan and the public will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, ask questions, and collaborate with meeting attendees, PRCS project managers, and the planning team following the presentation.
According to PRCS, Fishers Canyon Open Space borders Cheyenne Mountain State Park to the south, the Broadmoor Bluffs neighborhood to the east, and the Pike National Forest to the west. Currently, there are no designated trails or official public access to Fishers Canyon Open Space. The property will remain closed to the public until a trail system, trailhead, and management plan are established.
The PRCS said the public process aims to create the Fishers Canyon Open Space Master and Management Plan, which will be a guiding document to establish sustainable recreational opportunities along with appropriate management of the cultural and natural resources within the property.
For more information about the master plan process, including project maps and meeting materials, visit