Community input wanted for Colorado Springs long-term annexation planning
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Residents met with city planners on Monday to learn more about future annexation plans.
The latest project making headlines has been the Karman Line Annexation, which seeks to build 6,500 homes between the Banning Lewis Ranch development and Schriever Space Force Base.
AnnexCOS is a joint project between the City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Utilities. The city says 2006 was last time the annexation plan was updated.

This is the current city limits.
The map below shows what areas the city is eying, for possible annexation in the future.

AnnexCOS co-partner, Katie Carleo says, "We're really talking about from the edge of the city to that three mile buffer generally and looking at what are the barriers, what are the opportunities? Everything from infrastructure, transit, all of the different things that would go into potential future development and looking at what would lead to more suitable zones and potentially least suitable zones."
For the next 2 weeks, community members are encouraged to view and comment on the draft annexation guidelines which can be found here.
The draft will head to the Colorado Springs Planning Commission and then city council for a final vote in March.