Fort Carson to conduct prescribed burns on post through the end of the year

FORT CARSON, Colo. (KRDO) - Fort Carson will be conducting prescribed burns on post and at the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site beginning the last week of November and lasting through the end of the year, Dec. 31.
Fort Carson said the burns are done to facilitate military training within maneuver and training areas. The Mountain Post also said the burns are carefully planned and executed to reduce heavy vegetation that could potentially lead to and fuel wildland fires, and will only be conducted if weather conditions are favorable.
Smoke from the prescribed burns will most likely be visible along the Interstate 25 and Highway 115 corridors from Colorado Springs to Pueblo or along Highway 350 in Las Animas County.
Concerned community members are encouraged to call Fort Carson at (719) 526-9849. The Mountain Post said they take every concern very seriously and strive to address each in a timely and thoughtful manner.