3-year-old boy wanders into convenience store without shoes at 2 a.m.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Colorado Springs Police says they responded to a convenience store off Issaquah Drive around 2 a.m. Sunday morning.
UPDATE: The child was reunited with their parents Sunday morning. CSPD confirms that they were able to reunite the child after taking him to the substation. Officers did a premise history search and were able to find prior calls with the child's parents, and made contact with them. The parents said they were asleep and did not hear the officer's knocks. The parents are not facing charges in connection with this event.
The prior article is below:
They say they found a 3-year-old child, without shoes on. He told officers that he had wandered into the store and left because he was "scared" and that his parents weren't home. Officers knocked on doors around the area, but were unable to locate the parents of the child.
The El Paso County Department of Human Services responded and took custody of the child.