New Colorado program aims to recognize employers creating best workplace cultures

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) – The Colorado Chamber of Commerce is launching a new program designed to recognize the Colorado employers creating the best workplace cultures for their employees.
"Companies that Rock the Rockies" is free for businesses to participate in and will honor the state's top companies in 2025.
“As the statewide voice of business, we know that Colorado’s quality of life makes it one of the most desirable places to live and we want to celebrate the companies setting the standard for what it means to work in Colorado,” said Colorado Chamber President and CEO Loren Furman. “We’re looking for companies going above and beyond to build the best cultures for their employees, inspiring them to be proud of where they work. We encourage businesses across every corner of the state to participate in this inaugural program!”
Registration is now open and companies wishing to participate can apply on the Companies that Rock the Rockies website before November 1, 2024.
Any participating employers must complete a two-part assessment that asks about company policies and benefits and includes a confidential and anonymous employee engagement survey.
Those that make the Companies that Rock the Rockies list will be announced in early 2025 and will be honored at a special awards event hosted by the Colorado Chamber in May 2025. The ranked winners will also be announced at that time.
The top companies will be selected by Workforce Research Group (WRG), which operates workplace programs across the nation.
Though there is no fee for participating, employers can pay an optional fee to access WRG’s employee feedback data dashboard and see the results of the employee survey.
In order to be eligible, companies must have at least 15 full- or part-time permanent employees working in Colorado, be a for-profit or not-for-profit entity, have a physical operation in the state, and have been in business for at least one year.
For more information or to register, you can visit