City of Colorado Springs hosts quarterly American with Disabilities Act forum

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) – Colorado Springs city officials will be hosting a quarterly Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) forum at 1 p.m. today.
There, they'll be discussing upcoming projects for the rest of the year and updating the community on the rollout of the TrackChair Program. The program aims to provide more access to Colorado's parks and open spaces for those with mobility challenges through utilizing all-terrain mobility devices.
Officials will also discuss how the city's ADA efforts will support the mayor's strategic plan.
You can join the meeting via Microsoft Teams video call or phone call. To join the video meeting on Microsoft Teams, click here. The passcode to join the meeting is afW4Jw. To join by phone, dial 720-617-3426. The conference ID number is 731336356#.