UCCS students continue to grieve following deaths on campus
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) - Students and faculty at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs (UCCS) are torn to pieces, grieving over the lives that were lost this past week.
While everyone is processing their grief differently, many students and staff vowed to stay strong and get through the tragedy together.
On Monday, faculty and students came together for a walk of solidarity and healing. Many took step by step together to honor the two victims, Samuel Knopp and Celie Montgomery, who were found dead in a dorm room last Friday morning by campus police. It comes after the recent death of Mia Brown, a senior at UCCS who died last Monday after a medical emergency.
Brendan Clark told KRDO13 that he knew both Samuel Knopp and Mia Brown. He said he was supposed to have a class with Knopp the day he died.
"I was actually at work and I broke down. I had to leave work early... I went and I was emotionally a mess," said Clark.
While Clark grieves, he said he's trying hard to focus on happier memories.
"Watching him [Samuel Knopp] play the guitar and he played it so wonderfully. He was such a skilled musician and he was so incredibly talented," said Clark.
And like many others at UCCS, he still can't help but question how a student, 25-year-old Nicholas Jordan, could allegedly kill a fellow UCCS mountain lion.

"It's scary to know that, you know, someone that I may have passed by or known and could do such terrible things to hurt someone," said Clark.
Through it all, most on campus are still thankful, especially the ones who held onto one another while they wept tears for their friends.

"I think probably the best thing to come from all this is seeing how tight-knit of a community we are," said Clark
The alleged gunman, Nicholas Jordan is set to appear in court Tuesday.