Colorado Springs representative speaks following harsh criticism over black history comments
DENVER, Colo. (KRDO) -- Thursday on the Colorado House Floor, two state representatives brought forward a resolution to honor February as Black History Month.
Representative Ken DeGraaf, who represents a portion of east Colorado Springs, was the sole "no" vote on the resolution and took the microphone to voice his objections to it. However, in a 60-1 vote, the resolution passed.
DeGraaf's speech was cut off by House Speaker Julie McCluskie calling for a brief recess. Later Thursday, one member of the Colorado Black Caucus called DeGraaf's words "extremely disrespectful."
Monday, DeGraaf doubled down on his comments in an interview with KRDO13.
"I don't think it's sufficient to relegate history to a month. I don't think it's sufficient to relegate black history to a matter of, you know, to the issues of civil rights when we have a whole body of history that should be celebrated of all phenotypes," said Republican State Representative Ken DeGraaf.
When KRDO13 asked for DeGraaf's response to claims his speech was racist, DeGraaf said he didn't believe it was.
"Well, first I challenge that because I mean, one, I don't believe in the concept of race," said DeGraaf. "So, I don't think it was, I don't think it was racist."
DeGraaf told KRDO13 he believes the resolution was hypocritical, and he claims lawmakers should not only look at America's past with slavery as a problem but also address what he calls slavery in the present.
When asked to explain what he meant by "slavery in the present," Degraaf said Democratic support to subsidize electrical vehicles encourages a form of modern slavery-like labor violations in other countries.
DeGraaf told KRDO13 he believes black history should be integrated into all American history every month of the year, as opposed to one set aside month.
Representative DeGraaf also shared a full statement he wrote in response to Thursday's controversy. You can read it below: