Endangered tree kangaroo arrives at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- A new resident recently arrived at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo.
The zoo said "Som," (rhymes with "roam") a rare and endangered three-year-old Matschie's tree kangaroo arrived at her new home on Cheyenne Mountain on Tuesday.
According to the zoo, only about 2,500 Matshcie's tree kangaroos remain in the wild. Their only known habitat is on the Huon Peninsula of northeastern Papua New Guinea. The zoo said this habitat is threatened by logging and mining exploration and the marsupial is considered endangered by the International Union for the Conservancy of Nature.
"We’re extra excited to welcome her because it’s the first time we’ve cared for a female tree ‘roo at CMZoo. So far, she seems really sweet," Amber Callen-Ward, lead animal keeper in the Australia Walkabout at the zoo said.
Som comes to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo from another organization accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and zoo guests can see her right away in the Australia Walkabout!
For more information, visit https://www.cmzoo.org/