Fountaine Blvd. and Security/Widefield Blvd. intersection improvements to begin on Aug. 28
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- Starting on August 18, the El Paso County Department of Public Works, will begin construction at the Fontaine Boulevard and Security/Widefield Boulevard intersection.
The crews will be updating traffic signal equipment at the intersection and its associated railway crossing. The County and Contractor staff have worked to make improvements that meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
The project includes the removal of existing signals and the installation of updated traffic equipment that includes pedestrian push buttons, closed-circuit television, and new ADA-compliant pedestrian facilities. As well as signing, pavement markings, and vehicle detection upgrades.
There should not be any impact on motorists or businesses in the area but pedestrians should plan for detours throughout the crosswalk closures.
For more information please visit El Paso County's website.