Notorious California bear named ‘Hank the Tank,’ to be transferred to Colorado

COLORADO, USA (KRDO)-- A bear who has had multiple run-ins with the law in California will soon begin a new life in Colorado.
The bear is officially named 64F but she is better known to locals as “Hank the Tank.”
According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, Hank is responsible for several DNA-confirmed home break-ins and property damage in the South Tahoe Lake area since 2022.
She was captured on Friday, August 4, by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) and will be transferred to a privately owned non-profit at the Wild Animal Sanctuary’s Refuge near Springfield, Colorado.
Officials with the CDFW stated that relocation is not typically an option for conflict animals over concern that relocating the animal will relocate the conflict behavior to a different community. However, given the widespread interest in Hank, and the significant risk of a serious incident involving her, CDFW sought out a safer, alternative solution.
Her three cubs, who also accompanied her in her break-ins, were also captured and officials with the CDFW stated they will be potentially relocated to the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue in hopes to discontinue the negative behaviors they learned from Hank before being returned to the wild.
Currently, Hank has been cleared by medical examiners, and after a lengthy process, was permitted by the Colorado Department of Agriculture to secure her transfer.
As of now, it is not clear when Hank will settle into her new home.