El Paso County Coroner releases new 2022 report

EL PASO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO)--This week the El Paso County Coroner released its 2022 annual Report shedding light on last years pasts deaths.

According to the report, there was a 5% reduction in drug related accidental deaths over the year of 2021. However, the total fentanyl deaths have increased 16% which represents the flattening of the doubling rate of the proceeding 5 years. Methamphetamine related deaths increased 8% over 2021, occurring 48% of the time in combination with fentanyl.
There were 3 fentanyl deaths in people under the age of 18.
The report shows that there was a significant increase in homicides in 2022, 17 more than the previous year. There was an increase in both firearm related homicides as well as firearm related suicides.

The report also sheds light on how people experiencing homelessness are impacted. in 2022, 43 more people died from homelessness than in 2021. Most of them were due to drugs intoxication.
The coroner's office defines homelessness as:
- Sleeping on the streets
- Sleeping in a tent, vehicle or shelter
- "Couch surfing" or "Squatting"
- Transitional living program
- Temporary residence in a motel
To view the entire report, click here.