CPW asks hunters to return tracking collars from harvested animals

COLORADO (KRDO) -- In Colorado, we're currently in the heart of elk rifle seasons and deer rifle seasons will be here soon.
With that in mind, Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW) is asking hunters to help them out with recovering their scientific equipment.
Each year, CPW places tracking collars on some animals to gather valuable tracking data that biologists rely on to make science-based management decisions. The information the collars carry is very valuable to the biologists, but they are also pretty pricey pieces of equipment.
CPW asks that hunters who harvest an animal with a collar return it to any CPW office across the state. CPW receives zero tax dollars and recovering the collars helps the agency out a lot.
In addition to helping out CPW, hunters can also learn interesting information about the animal they harvested.
CPW said the collars are easily removed by loosening the two bolts that hold them together.