Tri-Lakes Region fire departments combine services to form the Monument Fire District

MONUMENT, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Tri-Lakes Monument Fire Protection District (TLMFPD) and the Donald Wescott Fire Protection District (DWFPD) have agreed to combine services and form the Monument Fire District.
A statement from the newly formed Monument Fire District (MFD) said the integration will better serve the Tri-Lakes Region by integrating administrative, training, fire prevention, and other critical internal support functions to support filed operations.
The statement went on to say that specifically, the integration will:
• Increase the depth of available emergency resources
• Maximize use of current fire station locations and apparatus deployment
• Provide for more cost-effect expansion of fire stations to serve new developments
• Establish uniformity in training, operations, and fire code enforcement
• Integrate operational procedures
• Increase the cost-effectiveness of legal, accounting, payroll, and medical billing services
• Improve the career opportunities for personnel.
The MFD said residents within the service area will "continue to receive the same high-quality fire and emergency medical services they have come to expect."