First positive human case of tularemia ‘rabbit fever’ in Pueblo County

PUEBLO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment confirms the first positive human case of tularemia, known as rabbit fever, in Pueblo County for 2022. According to health officials, the case was identified in a "youth."
The PDPHE is warning residents, particularly those living in Pueblo West, that the tularemia-causing bacteria may be present in some mammals.
Officials say the bacteria could be present in rabbits, rodents, hares, and on the ground where these animals are active.
According to the PDPHE, tularemia can also be spread through soil contaminated with the droppings or urine of sick animals and tularemia-causing bacteria can aerosolize and be inhaled when a person mows, blows leaves, or turns up soil.
“Human tularemia cases are rare, but some activities may increase the risk of developing the disease. These activities may include inhaling or drinking contaminated soil or water, having direct skin contact with infected animals, or being bitten by a tick or deer fly,” said Alicia Solis, program manager at the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment in a press release.
Solis went on to say residents should take precautions to prevent being exposed to tularemia, especially when mowing weeds or grass.
The PDPHE recommends the following precautions:
- Avoid handling wild animals.
- When outdoors near places where wild rabbits or rodents are present, wear insect repellent with DEET.
- Use a dust mask when mowing or doing yard work.
- Do not mow over animal carcasses.
- Wear shoes covering your feet when outdoors where dead animals have been found.
- Do not go barefoot or wear sandals while gardening, mowing, or landscaping.
- Wear gloves while gardening or landscaping and wash your hands after these activities.
- Do not drink unpurified water from streams or lakes or allow your pets to drink surface waters.
- Leash your pets when outdoors and keep them away from dead animals.
- Routinely use a tick and flea prevention treatment on pets.
- If a dead animal must be moved, avoid direct contact with the carcass. Wear insect repellent to protect yourself from fleas or ticks and use a long-handled shovel to scoop up the carcass.
- Place the carcass in a garbage bag and dispose of it in an outdoor trash receptacle. Wash your hands with soap and water afterward.
Health officials say the infection can also occur from the bite of an infected insect, most commonly ticks and deer flies.
Typical signs of the infection include:
- Fever
- Chills
- Headache
- Muscle aches
- Chest pain
- Coughing
The PEPHE says rabbit fever can be treated with antibiotics.
Pets, like cats and dogs, are also vulnerable to tularemia. Health officials say if your pet shows symptoms of illness including fever, nasal and eye discharge, and skin sores, take them to a veterinarian immediately. The infection can be treated if diagnosed early in cats and dogs.
The PDPHE says hunters who skin animals without gloves could be exposing themselves to infected blood.
The PDPHE recommends hunters take the added precautionary steps:
- Use gloves that do not allow fluids to pass through when skinning or handling animals, especially rabbits.
- Cook the meat of wild rabbits thoroughly to a temperature of 165°F or higher.
For more information on tularemia, click here.