Tracking road conditions across Southern Colorado during spring snowstorm

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- With snow affecting much of the Front Range area, the Colorado Department of Transportation tells drivers to expect slick conditions on the road.
According to CDOT, crews will focus on the interstates and other major state-maintained roadways with the highest traffic volumes. Once the storm subsides, crews will plow other state routes.
Below are tips motorists should know while driving in snowy, wet weather:
- Monitor weather conditions and plan ahead - avoid or limit driving during the worst of the storm which is expected to be Friday through Saturday.
- Monitor road conditions by visiting
- When out on the roads, have the appropriate tires for the weather with at least 3/16 inches of tread (need the winter tires one more time!).
- Take it slow and leave plenty of space behind the vehicle ahead.
- Leave plenty of space behind plows.
- Most crashes are caused by driving too fast, following too closely, and not having the appropriate tires for the weather.
- Don’t forget to give plows plenty of room and avoid passing them. Also, remember that it’s illegal to pass a snowplow when it is operating in a tandem formation with one or more snowplows. CDOT experienced an increase in struck plows throughout the 2021-22 winter season, which limits our ability to snow clearing activities
Below are CDOT resources travelers can use before hitting the road:
- Road conditions and travel information
- Download the COTrip Planner app
- See scheduled construction lane closures
Stay up-to-date on road conditions with CDOT's Twitter feed below: