Parents address Chavez Huerta School Board over alleged political endorsement
PUEBLO, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Chavez Huerta School Board held its monthly board meeting Wednesday at noon. A group of frustrated parents and teachers addressed the board at the meeting in response to alleged "endorsement of political candidates" by the school board.
Wednesday, more than 50 parents, teachers, and students attended the board meeting. There, many voiced their displeasure with political signs on school property.
This meeting comes on the heels of a teacher walkout at the school last week. A teacher tells KRDO they fear retribution from the board may be coming for voicing their opinions.
The teachers were upset about a political rally held on school grounds. They felt the rally took precedent over an annual scholarship basketball event that helps their students.
"When my child called me and told me that the teachers walked out, my words to him were 'because something happened and they are standing it up for you," One parent said during public comment.
Another parents, Cecilia Gay, said she was on a search for the facts. Was the school event canceled in favor of the political rally?
"Your intention was not to offend anybody or put politics above education but this whole event has given the perception that it was. An event that has always occurred. My own kids have benefited from the scholarship money," Gay said.
The Chavez Huerta School Board declined to answer any of our questions. However, they addressed the teachers and parents during public comment.
According to the board, the Pueblo Republican Party rented the school property space in November of 2021, and the scholarship event was accidentally booked.
"The republican party of Pueblo County set up their county assembly with our school and when they set their county assembly up back in November, they followed the process. The same process any individual can use for public access," Board Member Stephen Varela said.
"At this point everybody has already scheduled their stuff. The tournaments have been set. The convention has been set. We asked Dr. Duran as far as, what can we do with this thing," Board President John Lopez questioned.
In recent weeks, these signs have been popping up outside the Chavez and Dolores Huerta Prep Academy campuses.
Chavez Huerta says these signs have since been taken down, but teachers question how they were put up in the first place.
"The interference of a previously scheduled school activity by a political event of all things is a cause for concern on its own. However in our eyes it is more serious than that," Rusty McBee, a Chavez Huerta teacher, said.
According to the Chavez Huerta School Board policy manual, "Board members shall not endorse any political candidate."
Additionally, their policy manual addresses potential conflicts of interest as a Board member. "A Board member shall not engage in any employment or activity that is inconsistent with, incompatible with, in conflict with, or inimical to his or her duties as an officer of CHPA."
The School Board announced that they are investigating the teacher walk out at the school to see if any student was put at risk as a result.
They were no action items on the agenda tied to employment decisions for Chavez Huerta teachers.