City of Colorado Springs begins clean-up efforts after wind storm

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO)-- The wind storm on Wednesday caused major damage across Colorado Springs and now the clean-up efforts are underway.
The Colorado Springs City Forestry Department says a lot of the damage they're dealing with is in the Old North End.
"A lot of big trees down yesterday," said Dennis Will, the city forester.
City Forestry and Public Works had about 40 crew members out on the streets starting to chop down trees. Some of those trees had already fallen into houses.
"I’m not quite sure what the extent of the damage is across the city, but certainly just in this area here probably a couple of months," said Will.
City officials want you to know that trees down on private property are your responsibility, but they will take away trees that are on power lines or blocking access to roads.
If your trees fall into one of those categories you can visit the city website to fill out a form.