Pueblo School District 60 releases COVID-19 plan for school year

PUEBLO COUNTY, Colo. (KRDO) -- Pueblo School District 60 released its Return to Learn plan with COVID-19 guidelines.
Thursday morning, the district made the plan available to students and families. In the plan, D60 touches on face masks, being sick, and COVID-19 vaccines in a ten-page document.
The plan begins with a letter from Superintendent Charlotte Macaluso.
This Return to Learn plan is intended to strike a balance between the health concerns posed by COVID-19, quality educational programming, and the needs of our community. D60 will continue to focus on the guiding principles offered in our Strategic Plan, including our core value that the social and emotional well-being of our students is as important as their academic needs. We will remain prepared to adjust and adapt instructional delivery as the local Pueblo County health or D60 specific health context changes. Our plan is intended to support schools in transitioning back to normal operation for the start of the school year and will be updated as necessary to align with current health practices
Pueblo School District 60 Superintendent Charlotte Macaluso
Full letter available in Return to Learn plan
D60 says getting students back to safe and consistent in-person learning is a "top priority" and asks parents and students to review the Return to Learn Plan before the school year begins.
Face masks:
- Masks are not required for staff, students, or visitors. However, masks are recommended for unvaccinated individuals.
- Anyone who wants to wear a mask can wear a mask.
- Masks are required on all D60 and Student Transportation of America bus transportation services.
Stay home if sick:
- Parents and guardians will need to screen, monitor, and self-report their child's health with any concerns.
- Employees and students who are sick, have a temperature, or have recently had close contact with a person with COVID-19 are asked to stay home.
- Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19, are displaying possible symptoms of COVID-19, or have had close contact with individuals with confirmed cases of COVID-19.
COVID-19 vaccines:
- D60 encourages staff and students 12 and older to get vaccinated.
Social distancing:
- D60 does not require any specific social distance expectations.
COVID-related absences, quarantines:
- Most COVID-related student absences and quarantines will be treated like a regular student absence.
- COVID-related student absences, including quarantines, will be excused.
On Monday, August 16, students at all grade levels will participate in a "re-orientation" day. Officials say this will provide a "soft start" for students to be welcomed back to school.
Online schooling is an option for students in first through eighth grade. This option is a long-term decision, and the district advises it should not be considered for anyone anticipating less than a full year's worth of online school.
Read the full D60 Return to Learn Plan here.