MADD and CDOT honor veterans killed by impaired drivers
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) -- The Colorado Department of Transportation and Mothers Against Drunk Driving honored the veterans killed by impaired drivers during a remembrance ceremony at the Colorado Springs Christian School Wednesday.
The groups wanted to honor the six United States military veterans killed by impaired drivers ahead of Memorial Day. The veterans' families, Colorado State Patrol, and local military and law enforcement personnel attended Wednesday's event.
One parent shared their pain, hoping his story will make people think twice before getting behind the wheel while intoxicated.
Craig Mansfield's son, Kristopher Mansfield, was in the Airforce and served in Iraq. Weeks after coming home from deployment, he died in a car crash in Denver involving an impaired driver. He was 23-years-old.
Mansfield said every Memorial Day they're reminded how their son survived deployment only to die in while driving.
"He came home, but could not survive the streets of Denver - so around this type of holiday all I have left are dog tags."
According to CDOT, during Memorial Day weekend in 2020 nearly 30% of DUI arrests in Colorado were made in El Paso County.
"El Paso County is a hot spot for impaired driving in the state, we see more deaths that involve an impaired driver there than anywhere in the state, that is why it is so important that our law enforcement is there removing impaired drivers before they crash," said Sam Cole, with CDOT.
CDOT, Colorado State Patrol, and local law enforcement agencies plan on doing their part in keeping the roads safe this Memorial Day Weekend. The Heat Is On DUI campaign begins May 28 and goes through Monday, June 1.
So far in 2021, Colorado law enforcement agencies have made roughly 600 impaired driving arrests.