Sanctuary Church in Colorado Springs to provide showers, haircuts for the homeless

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KRDO) --A shower could be something many take for granted. But for the thousands of homeless people in El Paso County, a simple shower could be life-changing.
That is why the Sanctuary Church in Old Colorado City looks to transform their old carriage house on their property, that's been around since 1865, into a sanctuary for the thousands of homeless in El Paso County. They're calling this 'Shower the People You Love.' They look to send their plans to the city in the next few days.
This project aims to help the homeless in the community by providing them with showers two to three days a week, with haircuts on Sundays. They are hoping the volunteer barbers can do a dozen of haircuts every Sunday.
With help from Westside Cares and The Jesus Church of Colorado Springs, they look to embark on this project with free labor work from a contractor. They are receiving all their supplies from Sycamore Ministries in Woodland Park.
This came about after speaking to several homeless people in the community who shared their difficulty getting a shower at the Springs Rescue Mission.
Sanctuary Church has a history of serving the homeless community.
On Sunday mornings they feed anywhere from 75-150 under resourced or homeless folks that come in for a good hot breakfast. A number of people come through for their food pantry every other Saturday and they run recovery programs five days a week.
They look to have this project done by the summer. For more on how to donate head on over to their website.