New data suggests COVID-19 peak cases will happen in May, according to CDPHE
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - It appears social distancing in Colorado is having an impact on COVID-19.
According to Scott Bookman the incident commander for COVID-19 with CDPHE the predicted peak for the virus infection rate has been pushed back to next month. “We believe we have pushed the peak into May at least at this point," Bookman said in an online press conference with media, "We are still trying to gather more accurate information to understand exactly when that will happen”
On the surface, that sounds bad indicating Colorado could see more cases than what was initially thought but this is actually good news for the State. Remember the phrase, "Flattening the curve"? That's what's happening here.
By slowing down the progression of the disease in Colorado it is giving hospitals and health care workers extra time to prepare for a potential surge. “We continue to expect to see a surge of patients over the coming weeks and we need to make sure our healthcare providers are prepared for that,” Bookman said.
Part of that preparation is getting more ventilators and personal protective equipment in place, something the state has already spent $50 million doing.
"At this point, we have an excess of ventilators in the state we are still preparing to bring more ventilators in through every avenue that we can," Bookman says. That includes 100 ventilators that President Donald Trump has announced are now on their way to Colorado and should be here in the next 24 hours.
Bookman also talked about what happens after the Peak in May. Does that mean people can go back to their normal lives with restaurants and businesses being opened? Unfortunately, that's probably not the case. Bookman says social distancing measures will be in place for the near future until a cure or vaccine for COVID-19 is created.