Hickenlooper’s colorful socks enter presidential race, go viral
Gov. John Hickenlooper’s socks went viral Thursday night after the two-term Democrat showed off a Donald Trump sock and a Bernie Sanders sock at a bill signing in Grand Junction.
KRDO NewsChannel 13 spoke with Hickenlooper Friday afternoon in Pueblo.
“I put the Sanders sock on the left foot, the Trump sock on the right foot,” the governor said. “I didn’t want to lose my balance when I was trying to be moderate and stay close to the center.”
Hickenlooper now waits for the presidential pair of socks he really wants to put on.
“I’m obviously a strong supporter of Secretary Clinton,” he said. “I’ll put them on in a much more positive, enthusiastic top of the line kind of sock.”
Mike Maday, of Colorado Springs, is a Sanders national delegate who will be on the floor of the convention in Philadelphia.
“He’s obviously supporting Hillary,” Maday said. “But, it looks like he’s got Bernie in his sole.”