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Pelicans solve fishy dilemma plaguing Boulder biologists

The explosion of goldfish in a Boulder lake had officials proposing bizarre solutions, like shocking the fish with electrical currents or draining the lake to remove them.

Then nature stepped in.

The Boulder Daily Camera reports that pelicans appear to have feasted on the 3,000 to 4,000 goldfish in Teller Lake No. 5.

The non-native species probably exploded in the 12-acre lake after a handful were dumped there a few years ago. Wildlife biologists were alarmed at the growth and said it could damage the ecosystem.

Wildlife officials observed the pelicans scooping up fish and found some regurgitated goldfish.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife spokeswoman Jennifer Churchill said biologists saw only four goldfish while conducting a census Tuesday.

Pelicans have a summer range that includes much of the American west.

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