Police: Weapon in teen fight turns out to be BB gun
A fight near Palmer High School lands a 16-year-old with a possible felony menacing charge.
That student is accused of pulling out a gun during a fight near the school. Palmer High School was put on lockdown for about 15 minutes.
“After we heard the ‘beep, beep, beep’ we saw the car pulled up, all the doors open, they had four cops with their guns drawn,” said Sandy White, a nearby salon manager.
The fight started between two groups of students from Community Prep Academy and Palmer High School. It ended on the corner of Bijou and Wahsatch.
“There were four cops with their guns drawn. They had each one of the kids back out and stand on the ground, and handcuffed each one of them,” White said.
When police found those teens, that they realized this wasn’t as bad as they feared.
The weapon involved was an air soft gun, not a handgun.
“You can’t tell the difference, it’s an exact replica I would say,” said CSPD Sgt. Joel Kern.
And while police won’t say what caused the fight, the salon manager thinks at least some of those students involved may have learned their lesson.
“Oh, they were balling their eyes out, the girls anyway,” White said.
The 16-year-old accused of having the gun is facing charges of felony menacing and interference with staff and faculty.
It’s not clear what punishment may come from the school district.