More money to help with fire mitigation in Colorado Springs
People are making their neighborhood a safer place to live Friday with wildfire season around the corner.
Firefighters say the Comstock and Discovery neighborhoods in northwestern Colorado Springs face wildfire danger.
The fire department also received $30,000 from Allstate Insurance to continue fire mitigation projects in the neighborhood.
Comstock and Discovery are both on this year’s Wildland Urban Interface map. These are areas firefighters feel are at-risk for wildfires.
Amy Sylvester works for the Colorado Springs Fire Department. She said the point of fire mitigation isn’t to ruin nature but to make it safer.
“It’s not clear-cutting, it’s typically small changes that make a large difference,” she said.
Frank Barber lives in the neighborhood. He said seeing Allstate Insurance volunteers, firefighters, and even his own neighbors do fire mitigation is his neighborhood makes him feel safer going into the wildfire season.
Sylvester said the $30,000 will be used to encourage people to do fire mitigation on their own property in the Comstock and Discovery neighborhoods. For more information, call the Colorado Springs Fire Mitigation Program at 385-7342.
If you want to see the Wildland Urban Interface map, click here.